Hardiness Zone Map
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Magnolia Varieties
Alta™ (TMGH) PP11612
Brackens Brown Beauty™
Claudia Wanamaker
D.D. Blanchard
Edith Bogue
Green Giant
Little Gem Magnolia
Kay Parris
Cryptomeria Varieties
Globosa Nana |
We are now offering Southern Grandiflora
Kay Parris.

Click here to read an article by Kevin Parris featured in Magnolia: The Journal of the Magnolia Society International, 45/88, 2010, and learn more.
Or click here to download a pdf of the article. |
Description |
Quart Liner |
1 Gallon |
3 Gallon |
Foliage |
Alta™ - Upright dense growth habit, excellent for planting in limited space, superior root system, dark green leaf with medium brown back. Seedling of Hassee. Mature ht. 40 ft; Zone 7-10.
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Brackens Brown Beauty™ - Symmetrical with soft pyramidal growth and dense branches. Dark green leaves with a brown back. Average leaf is 4” - 6” long. Smaller than average leaf. +30ft mature height. Cold Hardy (used in Cincinnati).
Zone 6-10
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Claudia Wanamaker - Medium pyramidal form with dark green foliage. Has an average blooming period. Matures at 50 ft. Fast spreading growth, green ruffled leaf with brown back. Heavy bloomer, recommended for field growth. Zone 7-10.
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D.D. Blanchard - Known for its intensely Brown, Velvet leaf back. Does not produce many blooms until it matures for 5 years. Fast growing. Very distinct foliage makes D.D. Blanchard one of our best sellers. Matures 40-50 ft. Zone 7-10.
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Edith Bogue - Most cold hardy of the southern seeds. Medium size leaf with green back. Vigorous growth with a bushy full form. Mature height 40-50 ft.
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Green Giant - Large leafed greenback magnolia, large leaf reflects the standard southern magnolias. Fast growing, with a large white bloom. Blooming period is average, mature height 50-60 ft.
Zones 7-10.
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Little Gem - Prolific Bloomer, long blooming season from early summer to first frost, versatile use (hedge), miniature bloom, and small foliage with brown back. Matures 35-40 ft. Zone 7-10.
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Kay Parris - Originated from seed of Little Gem Magnolia. Precocious, remontant flowering, compact self-branching habit, rich brown back with undulating foliage, reddish pink new growth, refined upright growth habit with better branch structure than Little Gem . A relatively new cultivar that is also gaining popularity in Europe and Australia. Mature Height 35-45ft. Zone 6-9
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Cryptomeria |
Yoshino - Pyramidal Growth. Matures at 50 ft. Zone 6-8
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Quart size available upon request only. |
3 gallon size available upon request only. |
Globosa Nana - Globe-shaped growth, evergreen Cypress shrub. Matures 3-4 ft. Zone 6-8
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Quart size available upon request only. |
1 gallon size available upon request only. |