Our Story
Deans’ Nursery Inc. was founded in 1947 by J.D. Dean and Exa Dean, Malley Wilburn and Choyice Wilburn. It operated under the Name Dean and Wilburn Nursery until 1979.
In 1971 J.D. was joined by his son Roscoe Dean and daughter-in-law Beth. The Nursery specialized in camelias and woody ornamentals such as Photina Fraseri “Red Top”.
In 1984 the nursery was Incorporated and the name was changed to Deans’ Nursery, Inc.
From 1991 – to current Deans’ Nursery specializes in named cultivar’s of Southern Magnolia Grandifloria.
In 1999 Erin Dean joined the family business. Deans’ Nursery has been and still is a family-owned and operated business. For over three quarters of a century we have enjoyed serving what we believe is one of America’s best industries.
We give all praise and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!